Introduction to Developing for the Vuzix M300 or M400 with Unity


Vuforia provides support for creating Augmented Reality applications for the Vuzix M300 and M400 eyewear devices.


In order to create applications for the Vuzix M300/M400 using Unity, the following is required:

  • Android Build Support for Unity
  • The Vuforia Engine AR package for Unity

Creating your First Vuzix M300/M400 Application

  1. Open Unity and create a new project.
  2. Add the latest Vuforia Engine AR package to your Unity project following these instructions.
  3. Be sure to switch to the “Android” platform in the Build Settings Window.

  1. Replace the default “Main Camera” with an ARCamera. In the GameObject Menu select: Vuforia> AR Camera to create a new AR Camera object in the scene. Remove the default “Main Camera” from the scene.
  2. Add an Image Target to your Scene from the GameObject menu Vuforia> Image. By default, the Image Target will load with the predefined Mars Images Database. To create your own image targets, read more on creating your own database.

  1. Add your own 3D content as a child of the Image Target in the hierarchy. Content placed on Vuforia Targets will automatically appear relative to real-world objects when running in Play Mode or on Device.

  1. Optionally, test your application using Unity Play Mode and a webcam.
  2. To deploy to the M300 or M400, continue onto the next set of instructions.

Note: While Image Targets and most other Vuforia Target types are supported, using the Device Tracker is not supported on the Vuzix M300 and M400 devices. By extension, this means that also the Ground Plane and Area Target features are not supported since they both required the Device Tracker to work.

Deploy your Application to the Vuzix Vuzix M300 or M400

  1. Under “Player Settings” window, in the “Other Settings” pane (Edit Menu, Settings > Player) make sure to configure the right Target Architectures:
    • When developing for the M300, select “x86” if available.
      NOTE: This architecture has been deprecated by Unity and is no longer supported in Unity 2019.3 or later. When using newer Unity versions, build for ARMv7 instead to run your app in emulation mode on the M300.
    • When developing for the M400, select ARM64 for best performance.

  1. In the QualitySettings panel (Edit Menu, Project Settings>Quality) set the Default Android Quality Level to “Very Low”, in particular when developing for the M300.

  1. Using the Unity “Build Settings” window, select “Build and Run” to build and deploy your Vuzix experience onto the M300 or M400 (File Menu, Build Settings…).
  2. Consider uploading your APK to the Official Vuzix App Store.