Advanced Camera API

The Advanced Camera API provides low level access to a device's system camera APIs, enabling more precise control of camera parameters. This API can be used to support custom computer vision modules that utilize the Vuforia Image API and lets you improve performance on specific devices and/or in specific environments.

The Advanced Camera API is not a general-purpose API. Any use of this API should be thoroughly tested to understand its impact on the performance of Vuforia Engine.

The Advanced Camera API is currently only implemented on Android.

NOTE: The Advanced Camera API is only available for certain license types. See our Pricing page for details on which licenses offer this feature.

Using the Advanced Camera API in Unity

Attach the following script to an object in your Vuforia scene and then build the project to a device and look at the logs to see the list of the native fields returned. Once you have the field key names, you can use those to access a field as demonstrated in the script below.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Vuforia;

public class TestAdvancedCameraAPI : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

    void OnVuforiaStarted()
        // Get the fields
        IEnumerable cameraFields = CameraDevice.Instance.GetCameraFields();

        // Print fields to device logs
        foreach (CameraDevice.CameraField field in cameraFields)
            Debug.Log("Key: " + field.Key + "; Type: " + field.Type);

        // Retrieve a specific field and print to logs
        string focusMode = "";

        CameraDevice.Instance.GetField("focus-mode", out focusMode);

        Debug.Log("FocusMode: " + focusMode);

Example Output From Device Logs

The following is sample output from the .adb logcat logs when running the Unity script above on a Galaxy S6 device. The fields may vary per device.

NOTE: Some devices may not return any fields.

  Key: 3dnr; Type: TypeString
  Key: Infinity; Type: TypeString
  Key: antibanding; Type: TypeString
  Key: antibanding-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: auto-exposure-lock-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: auto-whitebalance-lock-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: best-capture; Type: TypeString
  Key: brightness; Type: TypeString
  Key: brightness-max; Type: TypeString
  Key: brightness-min; Type: TypeString
  Key: burst-capture; Type: TypeString
  Key: constant-growth-rate-zoom-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: contrast; Type: TypeString
  Key: drc; Type: TypeString
  Key: dual_mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: dualrecording-hint; Type: TypeString
  Key: dynamic-range-control; Type: TypeString
  Key: effect; Type: TypeString
  Key: effect-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: effectrecording-hint; Type: TypeString
  Key: exposure-compensation; Type: TypeString
  Key: exposure-compensation-step; Type: TypeString
  Key: exposure-time; Type: TypeString
  Key: fast-fps-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: flash-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: flash-mode-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: fnumber-value-denominator; Type: TypeString
  Key: fnumber-value-numerator; Type: TypeString
  Key: focal-length; Type: TypeString
  Key: focallength-35mm-value; Type: TypeString
  Key: focallength-value-denominator; Type: TypeString
  Key: focallength-value-numerator; Type: TypeString
  Key: focus-areas; Type: TypeString
  Key: focus-distance; Type: TypeString
  Key: focus-distances; Type: TypeString
  Key: focus-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: focus-mode-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: hdr-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: horizontal-view-angle; Type: TypeString
  Key: hue; Type: TypeString
  Key: hue-max; Type: TypeString
  Key: hue-min; Type: TypeString
  Key: imageuniqueid-value; Type: TypeString
  Key: intelligent-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: iso; Type: TypeString
  Key: iso-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: jpeg-quality; Type: TypeString
  Key: jpeg-thumbnail-height; Type: TypeString
  Key: jpeg-thumbnail-quality; Type: TypeString
  Key: jpeg-thumbnail-size-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: jpeg-thumbnail-width; Type: TypeString
  Key: llv_mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-exposure-compensation; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-exposure-time; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-num-detected-faces-hw; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-num-detected-faces-sw; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-num-focus-areas; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-num-metering-areas; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-wb-k; Type: TypeString
  Key: max-zoom; Type: TypeString
  Key: maxaperture-value-denominator; Type: TypeString
  Key: maxaperture-value-numerator; Type: TypeString
  Key: metering; Type: TypeString
  Key: metering-areas; Type: TypeString
  Key: metering-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: min-exposure-compensation; Type: TypeString
  Key: min-exposure-time; Type: TypeString
  Key: min-wb-k; Type: TypeString
  Key: odc; Type: TypeString
  Key: ois; Type: TypeString
  Key: ois-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: phase-af; Type: TypeString
  Key: phase-af-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: picture-format; Type: TypeString
  Key: picture-format-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: picture-size; Type: TypeString
  Key: picture-size-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: preferred-preview-size-for-video; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-format; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-format-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-fps-range; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-fps-range-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-frame-rate; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-frame-rate-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-size; Type: TypeString
  Key: preview-size-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: quick-shot; Type: TypeString
  Key: rotation; Type: TypeString
  Key: rt-hdr; Type: TypeString
  Key: rt-hdr-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: saturation; Type: TypeString
  Key: saturation-max; Type: TypeString
  Key: saturation-min; Type: TypeString
  Key: scene-mode; Type: TypeString
  Key: scene-mode-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: sharpness; Type: TypeString
  Key: sharpness-max; Type: TypeString
  Key: sharpness-min; Type: TypeString
  Key: smooth-zoom-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: vertical-view-angle; Type: TypeString
  Key: video-frame-format; Type: TypeString
  Key: video-size; Type: TypeString
  Key: video-size-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: video-snapshot-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: video-stabilization-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: vrmode; Type: TypeString
  Key: vrmode-supported; Type: TypeString
  Key: wb-k; Type: TypeString
  Key: wdr; Type: TypeString
  Key: whitebalance; Type: TypeString
  Key: whitebalance-values; Type: TypeString
  Key: zoom; Type: TypeString
  Key: zoom-ratios; Type: TypeString
  Key: zoom-supported; Type: TypeString


Using the Advanced Camera API in a native Android application

The CameraField class represent advanced camera properties that can be adjusted after the initialization of the CameraDevice.  This allows for use cases such as tweaking ISO, exposure compensation, etc. of the Android Camera 1 API.
Currently this feature will only work on Android.

The CameraDevice class provides access to the phone's built-in camera. Use the different modes and focus modes to adjust the device’s camera configurations. Please refer to Working with the Camera for guidance on focus modes.

Start your app by initializing the camera.

Virtual bool init()=0;

Retrieve the camera device instances after the Vuforia::init() has succeeded.

static CameraDevice& getInstance();

Deinitialization of the camera. This method should not be called during the execution of the UpdateCallback method.

virtual bool deinit() = 0;

Start the camera after the CameraDevice have been initialized via init().

virtual bool start() = 0;

And stop the camera. Since the camera can consume a lot of power, you may want to use this method to suspend Vuforia when it is not actively required, such as when the user is doing non-AR tasks in your app.

virtual bool stop()  = 0;

Call to VideoModes to get a number of available modes such as different video resolutions and frame rates.

virtual int getNumVideoModes() const = 0;

And get a currently selected VideoMode

virtual VideoMode getVideoMode(int nIndex) const = 0;

Optionally, use a specific VideoMode by calling

virtual bool selectVideoMode(int index) = 0;

Enable/disable torch mode if the device supports it.

virtual bool setFlashTorchMode(bool on) = 0;

To get the number of camera fields use.

virtual int getNumFields() const = 0;

Get the CameraField and associated key for the given index

virtual bool getCameraField(int index, CameraField& field) const = 0;

The following are data types stored in a CameraField.

enum DataType
	TypeString,     ///< Null terminated array of characters (ASCII)
	TypeInt64,      ///< 64-bit signed integer
	TypeFloat,      ///< Single precision floating point
	TypeBool,       ///< Boolean
	TypeInt64Range, ///< Array of two 64-bit signed integer

	   /// On some platforms the type may not be known at run-time. Setting
	   /// or getting a parameter of unknown type will fail.

Default constructor to CameraField.

CameraField() : mType(TypeUnknown), mKey("") {};

The data type of this field

DataType mType;
/// The key to identify this field.
/// Note the string is only valid until the next call to getCameraField,
/// take a copy of the string if you want to hold on to it.
const char* mKey;

Read the camera field values.

virtual bool getFieldString(const char* key, char* value, size_t maxlength) const = 0;
virtual bool getFieldInt64(const char* key, Vuforia::Int64& value) const = 0;
virtual bool getFieldFloat(const char* key, float& value) const = 0;
virtual bool getFieldBool(const char* key, bool& value) const = 0;
virtual bool getFieldInt64Range(const char* key, Vuforia::Int64* intRange) const = 0;

Write accessors for camera fields

// Setting to NULL removes the field
virtual bool setField(const char* key, const char* value) = 0;
virtual bool setField(const char* key, Vuforia::Int64 value) = 0;
virtual bool setField(const char* key, float value) = 0;
virtual bool setField(const char* key, bool value) = 0;
virtual bool setField(const char* key, Vuforia::Int64 intRange[2]) = 0;