How To Use the Vuforia Web Services API

The Vuforia Web Services API enables you to query, upload, and manage images in Cloud Databases and to obtain reports on your targets and databases using a REST based API via HTTP. You can also use VWS to generate printable instances of VuMarks using the VuMark Generation API.

The following article explains how to use the VWS API to perform various types of operations. We also provide VWS Samples (Java & PHP) to illustrate the best practices for a developer to follow when using the VWS.

Client Access Keys or Server Access Keys?

For managing Cloud targets using the VWS API, you will need to use the Server Access Keys associated with your Cloud DB. For performing an Image Recognition Query, you will need to use the Client Access Keys associated with your Cloud DB. And for generating printable instances of VuMarks using the VuMark Generation API with your VuMark DB, you will need a Pro License.

How To Add a Target

You can add targets to a Cloud Database using the Vuforia Web Services REST API by making an HTTP POST request to The request header should include the authorization fields described in the article Vuforia Web Services guide, and it should declare an application/JSON content type. The body of the request must be a JSON object that defines the properties of the targets.

Add a digital content payload

Vuforia Engine's Cloud Recognition service lets you add a digital content payload to your target. You can include up to 1 MB of base 64 encoded content as metadata attached to the target's search result. Examples of this content could be images or mobile-optimized 3D models. This feature lets you host your content with your targets in the Cloud Recognition service.

The developer CMS performs an HTTPS POST on The header contains the usual HTTP header fields plus the Authorization field. The JSON body contains the new target information, including the image. The sample shown below displays this code.

JSON body elements

The JSON body elements are listed in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
name String [1 - 64] Yes Name of the target, unique within a database
width Float Yes Width of the target in scene unit
image Base64 encoded binary image file in JPG or PNG format Yes Contains the base64 encoded binary recognition image data
active_flag Boolean No Indicates whether or not the target is active for query
application_metadata Base64 encoded data No The base64 encoded application metadata associated with the target

JSON POST code example

POST /targets HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 12:45:19 GMT
Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU
Content-Type: application/json

JSON response message

The response contains the target ID of the returned target. The result_code field should indicate Created; if not, an error has occurred. The returned JSON body structure is listed in the following table:

Field Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction
target_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the target

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

How To Update a Target

To update a target in a database, the CMS must perform an HTTPS PUT on{target_id}, with the following:

  • A header that contains the usual HTTP header fields, plus the Authorization field
  • The JSON body that contains the updated target information, including the image. The URL must replace {target_id} with the actual ID of the target returned when the target was created. This is shown in the sample.

JSON body elements

The JSON body is defined in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
name String [1 - 64] No Name of the target, unique within a database
width Float No Width of the target in scene unit
image Base 64 encoded binary image file in JPG or PNG format No Contains the base 64 encoded binary recognition image data
active_flag Boolean No Indicates whether or not the target is active for query
application_metadata Base 64 encoded data No The base 64 encoded application metadata associated with the target

JSON PUT code example

PUT /targets HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2013 12:45:19 GMT
Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU
Content-Type: application/json

JSON response message

The response contains the ID of the resulting target. Confirm that the status is Success; if not, an error has occurred. The resulting JSON body structure is listed in the following table.

Field Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Delete a Target

To delete a target in a database, the CMS needs to perform a HTTPS DELETE on{target_id}, with a header that contains the usual HTTP header fields, plus the Authorization field, and no body.

The URL must have the {target_id} replaced with the actual ID of the target returned when the target was created. This code is shown in the sample.

Confirm that a target's status value is success before trying to delete the target. Refer to How To Retrieve a Target Record for details on how to query the target status using Get /targets/{target_id}. The value of active_flag and rating are not valid until the status value is either success or failed.
NOTE: Targets in a processing status cannot be deleted.

JSON DELETE code example

DELETE /targets/550e8400e29b41d34716446655834450  HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2013 12:45:19 GMT 
Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU

JSON response message

The response contains the status of the deletion. Confirm that the status value is success. Otherwise an error has occurred. The following table shows the structure of the returned JSON body:

Field Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Retrieve a Target Record

To get information on a specific target in a database, the CMS needs to perform a HTTPS GET on{target_id}, (where {target_id} is replaced with the actual ID of the target), with the header containing the usual HTTP header fields plus the Authorization field. This is shown in the sample.

JSON GET code example

GET /targets/550e8400e29b41d34716446655834450 HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2013 12:45:19 GMT
Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU

JSON response message

After the authentication has been confirmed, the Cloud Recognition Service returns a JSON message with the contents of the specified target. The developer's CMS should check to make sure that the result_code indicates Success. Otherwise, there was a problem retrieving the list.

The structure for the returned JSON body is listed in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction
target_record targetRecord Yes Contains a target record at the TMS
status String [1-64] Yes Status of the target; current supported values are processing, success, and failed

The target_record body is listed in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
target_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes Target_id of the target
active_flag Boolean No Indicates whether or not the target is active for query; the default is true
name String [1-64] Yes Name of the target; unique within a database
width Float Yes Width of the target in scene unit
tracking_rating Int [0 - 5] Yes Rating of the target recognition image for tracking purposes
reco_rating string No Unused. Always contains an empty string

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Check for Similar Targets

The developer's CMS performs an HTTPS GET on{target_id}*.In addition to the usual HTTP header fields, the header also contains the Authorization field. The cloud service searches the database for similar images, including duplicate images as identified by a given target_id. Some other things to consider with the similar target check:

  • The duplicate check can be called as soon as a target's upload action has finished using POST or PUT. The target referenced by target_id does not have to be in active state to perform the similar target check.
  • If a target is explicitly inactivated through the VWS API (or through the Target Manager), then the target is no longer taken into account for the similar target check.
  • If the requested target does not exist, the service returns an UnknownTarget (404) error in the POST response body.

JSON GET code example

GET /duplicates/550e8400e29b41d34716446655834450 
HTTP/1.1Host: vws.vuforia.comDate: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 12:45:19 
GMTAuthorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU

JSON response message

The response returns a list of similar and/or duplicate targets, if any are available, sorted by the internal confidence in similarity. The maximum number of similar targets is 16. The resulting JSON body is structured as follows:

Field Name Type Mandatory Description
similar_targets targetID [0..16] Yes List of similar and/or duplicate targets for a given target_id, sorted by the internal confidence in similarity

If the successful answer does not contain duplicates, it means that no similar targets were found. If the requested target does not exist, the UnknownTarget (404) error is returned in the response body.

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

JSON response message

After the authentication has been confirmed, the Cloud Recognition Service returns a JSON message with a list of all targets in the database. The CMS should check to make sure that the result_code indicates Success. Otherwise, there was a problem retrieving the list.

The structure for the returned JSON message is listed in the following table:

Field Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction
results target_id [0..unbounded] Yes List of target IDs for the target in the developer project

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Retrieve a Target Summary Report

To get a summary of a specific image in a database, the CMS must perform a HTTPS GET on{target_id}, where {target_id} is replaced with the actual ID of the target. The header contains the usual HTTP header fields, plus the Authorization field.

JSON GET code example

GET /summary/550e846655447733400e29b41d4a7164 HTTP/1.1 
  Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2013 12:45:19 GMT 
  Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU

JSON response message

After the authentication has been confirmed, the Cloud Recognition Service returns a JSON message with the contents of the specified target. The CMS should make sure that the result_code indicates Success. Otherwise there was a problem retrieving the list. The structure for the returned JSON body is listed in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction
database_name String [1 - 64] Yes Name of the database
target_name String [1 - 64] Yes Name of the target
upload_date Date Yes Date of the upload (specified as YYYY-MM-DD)
active_flag Boolean Yes Indicates whether or not the target is active for query; default is true
status String [1- 64] Yes Status of the target; current supported values are processingsuccess, and failure
tracking_rating Int [0 - 5] No* Rating of the target recognition image for tracking purposes
reco_rating String No* Unused. Always contains an empty string
total_recos Int No*  
current_month_recos Int No*  
previous_month_recos Int No*  

Note: tracking_rating and reco_rating are provided only when status = success.

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Get a Database Summary Report

To get a summary of images from a cloud database, you must ensure that the CMS performs a HTTPS GET on The header contains the usual HTTP header fields, plus the Authorization field.

JSON GET code example

GET /summary  HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2013 12:45:19 GMT
Authorization: VWS df8d23140eb443505c0661c5b58294ef472baf64:jHX6oLeqTXpynyqcvVC2MSHarhU

JSON response message

After the authentication has been confirmed, the Cloud Recognition Service returns a JSON message with the contents of the specified target. The CMS should check to make sure that the result_code indicates Success. Otherwise there was a problem retrieving the list.

The structure for the returned JSON body is as listed in the following table:

Field name Type Mandatory Description
result_code String [1 - 64] Yes One of the VWS API Result Codes
transaction_id 32-character String (UUID) Yes ID of the transaction
name String [1 - 64] Yes Name of the database
active_images uint32 Yes Total number of images with active_flag = true, and status = success for the database
inactive_images uint32 Yes Total number of images with active_flag = false, and status = success for the database
failed_images uint32 Yes Total number of images with status = fail for the data

JSON response code example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

How To Interpret VWS API Result Codes

The following table lists the supported result_code, its corresponding HTTP status code, and a description of the result.


HTTP status code


Success OK (200) Transaction succeeded
TargetCreated Created (201) Target created (target POST response)
AuthenticationFailure Authentication failure (401) Signature authentication failed
RequestTimeTooSkewed Forbidden (403) Request timestamp outside allowed range
TargetNameExist Forbidden (403) The corresponding target name already exists (target POST/PUT response)
RequestQuotaReached Forbidden (403) The maximum number of API calls for this database has been reached.
TargetStatusProcessing Forbidden (403) The target is in the processing state and cannot be updated.
TargetStatusNotSuccess Forbidden (403) The request could not be completed because the target is not in the success state.
TargetQuotaReached Forbidden (403) The maximum number of targets for this database has been reached.
ProjectSuspended Forbidden (403) The request could not be completed because this database has been suspended.
ProjectInactive Forbidden (403) The request could not be completed because this database is inactive.
ProjectHasNoApiAccess Forbidden (403) The request could not be completed because this database is not allowed to make API requests.
UnknownTarget Not Found (404) The specified target ID does not exist (target PUT/GET/DELETE response)
BadImage Unprocessable Entity (422) Image corrupted or format not supported (target POST/PUT response)
ImageTooLarge Unprocessable Entity (422) Target metadata size exceeds maximum limit (target POST/PUT response)
MetadataTooLarge Unprocessable Entity (422) Image size exceeds maximum limit (target POST/PUT response)
DateRangeError Unprocessable Entity (422) Start date is after the end date
Fail Unprocessable Entity (422) The request was invalid and could not be processed. Check the request headers and fields.
Fail Internal Server Error (500) The server encountered an internal error; please retry the request