How To Migrate an Android Project

Use this article to understand the steps necessary to upgrade a project that uses the Vuforia Android SDK. To upgrade a Unity-based Android project, See: How to migrate a Unity project

To migrate a Vuforia Engine 4 or 5 project to Vuforia Engine 6 or later, you'll simply need to update the Vuforia Android SDK libraries in your project, See: Installing the Android SDK for Android Studio or Installing the Vuforia Android SDK for Eclipse if you are updating a legacy Vuforia Eclipse project. Also see: Changes in Vuforia Engine 6

Note: Be sure to make a copy of your project before migrating

When migrating from Vuforia Engine 3, you'll need to apply the following changes.

Upgrading a Vuforia Engine 3 project to Vuforia Engine 6

Refer to the new samples where all these changes have been incorporated. The following instructions are based on Vuforia Engine samples and may vary depending on individual implementations.

Eclipse project settings

Update the QCAR_SDK_ROOT variable in your Eclipse project settings, by setting its value to the new path of your Vuforia Engine v3.0 installation.

In Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables, and update it to the path of the new Vuforia Engine v3.0 .jar file, for example:


Note: For developers upgrading from 2.6, in version 2.8, the Vuforia Java library formerly called QCAR.jar was renamed to Vuforia.jar; similarly, the Vuforia native library was renamed from to; the latter is located in the \build\lib\armeabi-v7a folder under your Vuforia Engine installation root. changes

If you have any reference to in your file, replace them with

Code changes

If you have the following code in your Java application code:

  System.loadLibrary(  QCAR  );

Replace "QCAR" with "Vuforia," i.e.:

  System.loadLibrary(  Vuforia  );

With the removal of the TYPE enum from the Tracker, Trackable and TrackableResult classes, and the introduction of the new Type class, certain operations that previously relied on the TYPE enum must be performed using the Type class and related API.

Refactoring ImageTracker to ObjectTracker

Vuforia Engine 4.0 introduced a new ObjectTracker class as the parent class from which all Tracker types are inherited.
You will need to change all ImageTracker declarations to ObjectTracker.

To initialize a Tracker:

  QCAR::ObjectTracker* objectTracker = static_cast<QCAR::ObjectTracker*> 
    (trackerManager.initTracker( QCAR::ObjectTracker::getClassType() ));

Similarly, to obtain a Tracker from the TrackerManager:

QCAR::ObjectTracker* objectTracker = static_cast<QCAR::ObjectTracker*> 
    (trackerManager.getTracker( QCAR::ObjectTracker::getClassType() ));

To compare TrackableResults types:

  const QCAR::TrackableResult* result = state.getTrackableResult(tIdx);
  if (result->isOfType QCAR::ImageTargetResult::getClassType()))
    // Do something target-specific

Similarly, to compare Trackable types:

  const QCAR::Trackable& trackable = result.getTrackable();
  if (trackable.isOfType QCAR::ImageTarget::getClassType()))
    // Do something target-specific

Additional Notes

1. The WordList::STORAGE_TYPE and DataSet::STORAGE_TYPE enums have been deprecated; you should use the new STORAGE_TYPE enum instead ( C++ => QCAR::STORAGE_TYPE, Java => com.qualcomm.vuforia.STORAGE_TYPE, C# (Unity) => STORAGE_TYPE)

2. The ImageTracker::resetExtendedTracking() requires the application to call Stop before. If the ImageTracker is not stopped, the resetExtendedTracking() function will return false and have no effect.