Capturing and Viewing Event Logs with ETW

This article describes how to capture and view Vuforia Engine logs with Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) using the Windows Device Portal.

For information about ETW and how it allows you to start and stop event tracing sessions, provide trace events, and consume trace events, refer to the Event Tracing article in the Windows Dev Center.

The following steps are specific to the HoloLens. The full set of instructions, as well as information about pages within the Device Portal, are contained in the Using the Windows Device Portal article. For information about setting up other devices, refer to the Setup section of the Windows Device Portal article, which provides an overview on configuring and managing your device as well as the diagnostic tools the portal provides to troubleshoot and view events.

  1. Set up HoloLens to use Windows Device Portal.
  2. Connect the HoloLens over Wi-Fi or with a USB cable.
  3. If you are connecting your HoloLens to the Device Portal for the first time, create a username and password.
  4. In the Device Portal side-bar menu, select the Logging page,  and locate the Custom Providers section.
  5. In the GUID field, enter 21FCCDCF-70AC-54A6-8750-61D8F3C8F90A
    Note: Some ETW tools allow you to enter a ‘hashed name’. The above GUID comes from the name ‘VuforiaEngine’. If your tool supports hashed names, enter *VuforiaEngine
  6. In the drop-down menu, select the tracing level and click Enable.

In the Events section, you’ll find the ETW events displayed in real time. You can click Save to File to export the currently collected ETW events to a CSV file.