Metal-specific render data.
MetalRenderData object passed to Vuforia when performing Metal rendering operations. Pass a pointer to the current drawable texture and a pointer to a valid render command encoder encapsulated in the mData struct.
Do not call endEncoding on the encoder before making all the Vuforia::Renderer calls you require.
After making all of your Vuforia::Renderer calls, you may call endEncoding on the encoder and pass a different encoder to Vuforia::Renderer::end, but the new encoder passed to Vuforia::Renderer::end must have access to the current frame buffer data in order for Vuforia to draw (blend) over it. This means it must be the same encoder that wrote the data, in which case its commands will be in the buffer before Vuforia adds it commands, or a new encoder that loads the data from the texture at the start of its render pass).
Use with Renderer::begin() and Renderer::end()